BISHOJOSERIESillustration byShunya Yamashita
山下しゅんや氏の描き下したイラストのイメージをそのままに、高橋昌宏(GILL GILL)氏が立体化しました!
発売中の「DC COMICS美少女 ハーレー・クィン NEW52版」と並べてコミック版「スーサイド・スクワッド」の凸凹コンビを再現するもよし、「DC COMICS美少女 バットガール」や「DC COMICS美少女 ブラックキャナリー」と並べて「バーズ・オブ・プレイ」を集結させるもよし!
DC COMICS美少女の世界が広がります。
A KOTOBUKIYA Japanese import! Up next in Kotobukiya’s incredible lineup of Bishoujo statues based on the superheroines and villains of DC Comics is the mysterious swordswoman known as KATANA! Mild-mannered Tatsu Tamashiro was a normal girl who enjoyed martial arts, but when her husband was killed by his jealous brother and his spirit trapped in the mystical blade that ended his life she took on the weapon and became a force of vengeance. Calling herself Katana after the sword she now wielded, Tatsu embarked on a mission of revenge against her brother-in-law’s Yakuza boss which led her to meet Batman and through him find a larger purpose. Katana would serve on Bruce Wayne’s Outsiders team and others, and recently she appeared in the blockbuster film Suicide Squad. Following Wonder Girl and all of the other amazing Bishoujo ladies of DC Comics Katana comes to life as never before in the traditional Japanese “pretty girl” style based on a new character interpretation by Shunya Yamashita!
The Japanese superhero has never looked better than she does here, captured in a unique and beautiful pose with her sword. Katana saunters forward with an exaggerated swing in her hips, her right leg crossed in front of her left. She turns to the side to look at you with one hand flipping her short black hair from her face and the other holding her iconic weapon “Soultaker” pointed down toward the ground. While she may look relaxed and alluring Katana is always ready to strike down her enemies, and she wears intricately sculpted and detailed black and silver armor with both high-tech and traditional components in addition to knee-high red boots. The Outsider can be displayed with two unique options thanks to included interchangeable heads, either with her eyes glancing to the side or replaced by milky white lenses; both peer out from her iconic white mask with red circle on the forehead. Sculpted by Masahiro Takahashi (GILL GILL), Katana stands just over 9 inches tall (1/7 scale) on her specially designed display base. Whether the superhero is guarding you on her own or alongside other DC Comics Bishoujo statues she’ll look great in your display!
The Japanese superhero has never looked better than she does here, captured in a unique and beautiful pose with her sword. Katana saunters forward with an exaggerated swing in her hips, her right leg crossed in front of her left. She turns to the side to look at you with one hand flipping her short black hair from her face and the other holding her iconic weapon “Soultaker” pointed down toward the ground. While she may look relaxed and alluring Katana is always ready to strike down her enemies, and she wears intricately sculpted and detailed black and silver armor with both high-tech and traditional components in addition to knee-high red boots. The Outsider can be displayed with two unique options thanks to included interchangeable heads, either with her eyes glancing to the side or replaced by milky white lenses; both peer out from her iconic white mask with red circle on the forehead. Sculpted by Masahiro Takahashi (GILL GILL), Katana stands just over 9 inches tall (1/7 scale) on her specially designed display base. Whether the superhero is guarding you on her own or alongside other DC Comics Bishoujo statues she’ll look great in your display!
- Product Name
- 商品名
- DC COMICS美少女 カタナ
- Price
- 8,250 JPY
- 価格
- 8,250 円(税込)
- Month of Release
- Oct. 2017
- 発売月
- 2017年10月
- Scaleスケール
- 1/7
- Product Size
- Total Height 230mm
- 製品サイズ
- 全高 約230mm(台座込)
- Specification
- Pre-Painted PVC Figure
- 製品仕様
- PVC塗装済み完成品フィギュア
- Material
- PVC(Phthalate ester-free), ABS
- 素材
- PVC(非フタル酸)・ABS
- Sculptor
- Masahiro Takahashi (GILL GILL)
- 原型製作
- 高橋 昌宏(GILL GILL)