BISHOJOSERIESillustration byShunya Yamashita
「自分専用の遊園地が欲しい!」という無邪気な夢を叶えるため、ペット(兼親友、兼ボディガード)のパンダと一緒に遥々中国から三島平八を頼って日本にやってきた、あふれる元気が取り柄の拳法使い、リン・シャオユウがTEKKEN美少女 シリーズに参戦です!
今回の原型は関西の誇る原型集団GILLGILLがシリーズ初担当!山下 しゅんや氏のアレンジによってより活発な印象になったチャイナ服を身に纏い、特徴的なお下げ髪や、凛とした上目使いの表情を魅力的に立体化!映画『鉄拳 BLOOD VENGEANCE』では息の合ったコンビプレイを見せた「TEKKEN美少女 アリサ・ボスコノビッチ(発売中)」と一緒に並べるのもオススメです!
A Kotobukiya Japanese import! The hit new line of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Bishoujo Statues continues! With its thrilling martial arts action, the Tekken series of video games from Namco has been a huge hit with players since the original arcade game in 1994. In the games, fighters compete in the King of Iron Fist tournament for control of the Mishima Zaibatsu Corporation, using their unique talents against their opponents. Next up after Lili is one of the fastest and youngest competitors in the series, Ling Xiaoyu! First appearing in Tekken 3 and a good friend of Jin Kazama, Xiaoyu is presented in this magnificent Bishoujo Statue based on a new illustration by master Japanese illustrator Shunya Yamashita.
Knowing she’s fast enough for any challenge, young Xiaoyu smiles as she stands in a martial arts pose that shows her determination as well as her beauty. The fighter leans forward slightly with her back arched, legs crossed with her front foot pointed to accent the smooth lines of her leg. Twisting to her left Xiaoyu stretches out her left arm with her fingers spread while her right arm is held back in preparation. Meanwhile, there is a tremendous amount of movement in her pose with the fluttering of her twin ponytails, the feathers at her collar, the hem of her short Chinese dress, and the straps of her matching shoes! The bold orange, white, and black of Xiaoyu’s costume really stand out, as does her captivating Bishoujo inspired face with its look of cute concentration.
Sculpted by Gill Gill, Ling Xiaoyu stands on a specially designed display base. She may be one of the youngest fighters in the tournament, but she’s got what it takes to look great in your collection of Kotobukiya Tekken Bishoujo beauties!
Knowing she’s fast enough for any challenge, young Xiaoyu smiles as she stands in a martial arts pose that shows her determination as well as her beauty. The fighter leans forward slightly with her back arched, legs crossed with her front foot pointed to accent the smooth lines of her leg. Twisting to her left Xiaoyu stretches out her left arm with her fingers spread while her right arm is held back in preparation. Meanwhile, there is a tremendous amount of movement in her pose with the fluttering of her twin ponytails, the feathers at her collar, the hem of her short Chinese dress, and the straps of her matching shoes! The bold orange, white, and black of Xiaoyu’s costume really stand out, as does her captivating Bishoujo inspired face with its look of cute concentration.
Sculpted by Gill Gill, Ling Xiaoyu stands on a specially designed display base. She may be one of the youngest fighters in the tournament, but she’s got what it takes to look great in your collection of Kotobukiya Tekken Bishoujo beauties!
- Product Name
- 商品名
- TEKKEN美少女 リン・シャオユウ
- Price
- 7,480 JPY
- 価格
- 7,480 円(税込)
- 作品
- 鉄拳タッグトーナメント2
- Month of Release
- Oct. 2013
- 発売月
- 2013年10月
- Scaleスケール
- 1/7
- Product Size
- Total Height 220mm
- 製品サイズ
- 全高 約220mm
- Specification
- Pre-Painted PVC Figure
- 製品仕様
- PVC塗装済み完成品フィギュア
- Material
- PVC(Phthalate ester-free), ABS
- 素材
- PVC(非フタル酸)・ABS
- Sculptor
- Masahiro Takahashi(GILL GILL)
- 原型製作
- 高橋昌宏(GILLGILL)